Thursday 1 November 2012

Haeinsa Temple

We've been quite busy these past few weeks so we didn't have the opportunity to write about our trip to Haeinsa Temple. About three weeks ago we went with our friend Luis to Haeinsa which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. We got the bus to Daegu and then another bus direct to Haeinsa. It's a beautiful place set within Gayasan National Park. The Temple is to original Buddhist Scriptures which are hand carved onto over 81,000 wooden printing blocks. They are hundreds of years old but have been magnificently preserved due to their location which was selected in accordance with the correct humidity, rainfall, sunlight etc to keep these blocks in the best condition possible. Autumn has now arrived so all the colours of the trees gave us some great photos! Here are a few pictures from our trip to Haeinsa.

(taken from the internet as you can't take any photos inside!)

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