Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Leaving tomorrow!

Hello! Just thought I would quickly make a first post so that when I send out the link it won't just be an empty screen! So yeah leaving tomorrow on a 10 half hour flight, which I like to think means you only have to watch about 3 or 4 films then you're there! We're staying in a hotel the first week so we will hopefully be able to put up our first proper blog post in about two weeks time and will try to put up some pictures of the apartment and our surrounding area! Speak soon! Xx


  1. It'll be 3 or 4 films assuming they've got screens in the plane...never assume! Good luck guys. Would say we'll miss you but nothing much will change really. We'll still be Skype-ing. Although you should look into FaceTime with the iPad. Safe journey, lots of love xxx

  2. I am proud of you. Bon voyage! The bump sends beams of love even though it doesn't know who you are (or even the concept of 'other people') yet.

  3. Well,we had a farewell at Heathrow, complicated by the wheel threatening to come off Ed's suitcase and the excess baggage charge of £100 each. They're now wondering what the excess charge might be from Seoul to Busan. But after all the months of saving, planning, research and the endless admin it was great to see their plans start to come to life!
    Hope you two are tucking in to Asian nosh and watching a good film right now. Lots of love xxx
